40 UNDER 40 CLASS OF 2014

Cyrus Massoumi, 37

Wall-mounted screens that blink key metrics, wooden signs emblazoned with core values, bountiful awards?”the very decor atZocDoctelegraphs the company’s devotion to its customers. One picture, though, testifies to the genius of founder Cyrus Massoumi. As a fifth-grader in Florida, he made the computer-generated sign for the office of his father, a hand surgeon. It reads: “Two Broken Hands Fixed for the Price of One.”

Savvy marketing is a ZocDoc hallmark. “We should always be creating,” said Mr. Massoumi, who in 2007 built his company around the concept of making medical appointments easy to book. Now some 4 million patients a month use ZocDoc’s technology.

“Cyrus’ No. 1 quality is his passion. It’s hard to imagine anyone with more energy or drive,” said Dr. Oliver Kharraz, ZocDoc’s chief operating officer.

Read more about Cyrus Massoumi at Crain’s New York Business



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Cyrus is always interested in hearing from other entrepreneurs who are working on increasing healthcare access, Whether on a large scale or within their local communities. He can be reached via LinkedIn or the Contact Us section of this website
