Inside the Mind of a NYC VC: Cyrus Massoumi and Slava Rubin of humbition

by Reza Chowdhury

Welcome back to Inside the Mind of an NYC VC, a highly acclaimed series at AlleyWatch in which we speak with New York City-based Venture Capitalists. In this first installment for 2019, in the hot seat are Cyrus Massoumi and Slava Rubin of humbition, the founder-focused NYC venture firm concentrated on deeply supporting early-stage operators. Massoumi and Rubin are no strangers to NYC Tech, serving as two of the most prolific founders in the ecosystem with Cyrus cofounding ZocDoc and Slava cofounding Indiegogo.  Both companies serve as breakout stories and pillars for the tech community and Rubin and Massoumi bring their operating experience from the trenches to humbition. 

Currently investing out of an inaugural $30M fund, the firm has already made several investments including in Burrow and a number of companies that are currently operating in stealth. We visited the humbition offices in Soho to learn more about why these two successful founders got into venture, the firm’s investment thesis, how the NYC Tech landscape has changed over the last decade, how the humbition plans to support the next wave of NYC entrepreneurs, and much, much more…

Read more about Cyrus Massoumi, Slava Rubin and humbition on the Alley Watch website.

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Cyrus is always interested in hearing from other entrepreneurs who are working on increasing healthcare access, Whether on a large scale or within their local communities. He can be reached via LinkedIn or the Contact Us section of this website
